Sukabumi District Police Is Slow To Handle Viral Cases Of Apdesi Video, PENAMAS Is Ready To Fly To The West Java Regional Police

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Sukabumi –
The case of the Viral Video of the Association of Indonesian Village Officials (APDESI) in Sukabumi District, apparently on strike in the middle of the road is still rolling, although previously the case had been reported by representatives of the Media and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) at Sukabumi Police.

As a result, the Vidio firal case that occurred on November 24, 2020, which occurred in the yard of the Sukabumi District Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD) office, continues to be a hot topic of conversation among the media and NGOs. Even some media and NGOs who are members of the Sukabumi National Association of NGOs and Media Forum Gathering (PENAMAS) again questioned the case to the police and plan to immediately make a new report to the Jabar Regional Police to uphold the truth.

“Today, we are holding a friendly meeting with media and NGO partners to discuss the legal case of the Sukabumi District Apdesi. We, who are members of the PENAMAS gathering forum, will continue to fight to uphold the truth,” said Freddy, Chairman of GMBI Sukabumi, during a meeting in one of the locations. Traditional snacks on the southern ring road of Sukabumi, Saturday (06/03/2021).

It was said, from the results of today’s meeting we agreed to take steps forward to uphold the truth, namely to take a higher level of making a new report to the Jakarta Police and forward it to all elements of law enforcement in this republic.

“The plan is that tomorrow some of the PENAMAS colleagues will leave immediately, because all the files are packed and ready to fly,” he said.

The Sukabumi media representative, Rijal Pane, also expressed the same opinion, that for the legal case of the Sukabumi District Apdesi persons whose files are still at the Sukabumi Police, we will follow them up to the Jabar Regional Police so that this case can be resolved properly without harming both parties.

“Hopefully, our report can be received and the law can be upheld as fairly as possible,” he concluded.

Global Investigation Team