Reviewing Christmas Celebration Security, Puan Maharani Invites People to Maintain Peace and Brotherhood

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GIN, Jakarta – Feeling safe and comfortable in worship is something that is expected by all religious people. The Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, who on Friday (24/12) visited the Cathedral Church in Gambir and GPIB Paulus in Menteng, Central Jakarta.

Arriving ahead of the second mass held at 17.30 WIB, Puan was accompanied by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit and the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa, and was welcomed by the Archbishop of Jakarta, Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo and Susyana Suwadie, Public Relations of the Cathedral Church and the Archdiocese of Jakarta.

“I, the National Police Chief and the TNI Commander have come here to ensure several things, firstly, the Christmas celebration that will be carried out by Christians can run safely and smoothly as it should, so that in worshiping, the Christian community can feel safe and comfortable. Second, we also “I want to make sure that the implementation of health care in every church can run according to existing procedures so that the Covid-19 that is currently still around and we are keeping the spread under control can be controlled without having to reduce the solemnity of the upcoming Christmas and New Year celebrations,” Puan explained.

The chairman of the DPR RI, the National Police Chief and the TNI Commander met with Catholics who were present offline and wished them a Merry Christmas and New Year. Puan also appreciated the implementation of good health procedures while inviting people to maintain conditions and continue to be disciplined in implementing 3M.

Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo, who is familiarly called Romo Haryo, expressed his gratitude for the visit of the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the National Police Chief and the TNI Commander. “We really feel confirmed as citizens with the presence of Mrs. Puan, Mr. Police Chief and Mr. Panglima,” he said. Romo Haryo also mentioned the theme of Christmas that was agreed upon by all Christians in Indonesia, namely the love of Christ moving brotherhood. “Hopefully Christmas doesn’t stop in December, but continues to move Christians especially to look for new ways to build and maintain brotherhood. We also pray that Mrs. Puan, Mr. Kapolri and Mr. Panglima TNI carry out heavy responsibilities for the homeland and The nation is always protected, given adequate health and guarded by God Himself,” Father Haryo concluded.

The Catholics who were present offline at the Jakarta Cathedral Church also welcomed the visit of Puan, Listyo and Andika with joy and were grateful for the words and care given by the ranks of the Police and the TNI so that the Christmas celebrations run safely.

In 2021, the Christmas committee at the Cathedral will hold three masses each on Friday (24/12) and Saturday (25/12). Two of the three masses were held on a hybrid basis, with only 650 people able to attend offline. “In non-pandemic conditions, usually one mass can be attended by around 5000 people because the capacity of the church room reaches 2000 people and the tent we usually make in the courtyard can accommodate 3000 people,” said Susyana Suwadie, Public Relations of the Cathedral Church and the Archdiocese of Jakarta.

From the Cathedral Church in Gambir, Puan and her entourage also visited the Paul GPIB in Menteng, Central Jakarta. There, they met Christians who were also holding a Christmas mass.

“Hopefully 2022 will be a better year for all of us. We must always maintain peace, sincerity, brotherhood so that Indonesia can become better,” said Puan.