10 People Reportedly Dead in Mass Shooting after Chinese New Year Festival in Monterrey Park, California

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GIN, CALIFORNIA – At least 10 people were reported killed in a mass shooting after the Chinese New Year Festival in Monterey Park, California, Saturday night local time (21/1). There were 10 other injured victims who were rushed to the hospital.

The perpetrator, suspected to be a man, is reported by the police as still at large. The motive for the shooting at a dance club is not yet known.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said the shooting occurred at 10:22 p.m.

The seconds of the shooting were told by a restaurant owner across from the shooting site, Seung Won Choi, to the LA Times. Choi said three people suddenly entered the restaurant building and asked to lock the door. The perpetrator is said to have a number of ammunition so it is feared that the shooting will continue.

Dozens of police have responded to the shooting site.

Monterey Park — not far from Los Angeles — is known as a city with a sizable Asian population, with one of the largest Chinese New Year celebrations in southern California.